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Macy’s in the News

Macy’s department store is one of the great bellwethers of the American economy. Maybe that’s why the company’s every move and maneuver is analyzed and scrutinized as much as they do. Fortune Magazine in particular seems to be infatuated with the old store, since it seems like every few days one of their writers is putting out another piece about what Macy’s did, plans to do or needs to do.

When Macy’s undergoes a massive hiring binge, Fortune tells about it. When Macy’s invests in the acquisition of a smaller company to bolster its sales of cosmetics, Fortune is reporting on it. See this piece with Barry Beck. When Macy’s needs a strong holiday sales season to set its course correctly, Fortune is opining on the subject. When Macy’s builds a surprising real estate empire out of its holdings, signifying strength amid adversity, Fortune has the story.


It is absolutely true that as some companies go, so too goes the economy. Macy’s is one of those. Maybe all that attention from Fortune Magazine then is deserved coverage for the company and necessary coverage for the informed investor and consumer.

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